Sunday, December 17, 2006
Woah nelly...
I reckon that being a father is going to be stressful! We aren't even there yet and there are stressful moments. Beds at the Wellington hospital were full and if there were any signs of dilation, we would have been enjoying a helicopter ride to another city.
My planned three-day hike into the uncharted bush of the Kahurangi over Christmas has been canned. There is no way I could relax and enjoy without knowing that Cheryl is OK. On the bright side, I'll bring my windsurf kit down with me instead of the hiking boots and pack!
Friday, December 15, 2006
While its not the pushy or flaka I wanted to stick, I'll take it, and notch myself up to full on hard-core sailor status! Could be very very short lived, as we are going to our first Multiple-Birth Association Christmas party this morning. ;) Not to mention the fact that I am setting up the crib today.
Made the Quatro/Goya teams for 2007 too! Check out the websites.
Orcas in Evan's Bay
Freewave #2
Check out this nice photo of Woo and his trademark forwards (photo by Leland).

Monday, December 04, 2006
Lighter winds...
Leland is all over the flakas and getting the odd one, with most really close. Good action out there Big L!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
'06/07 Freewave #1

It was pretty much going off: 30-40knots from the NNW with decently large chop coming through. At least people were going nice and big and throwing down their best efforts at anything and everything.

A fun time in crazy winds!! Loved it!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Water Photography

This photo was taken by Leland during his version 1.0 efforts with the camera housing. Shot of me coming out of a jybe in the shoremush ready to hit the next wave a la switch.
V1.0 resulted in the trigger not working and firing at will after getting water logged. V2.0 now has a new digital camera trigger wrapped in a balloon and zip-tied to the handle. So far so good - no leakage of the casing!! Hopefully we'll have some chance soon to give V2.0 a try.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Plimmerton goes off!
Leland has his camera all fixed up again, so perhaps we'll get some in-water and boom-mount shots soon.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Almost there...
I can feel the pull of dadhood. The worries are setting in... gotta get that crib, gotta get all those creams and lotions and potions... gotta oil those wheels on the pram... gotta learn how to change nappies. Crikey!
FLAKAS - I must have you before Christmas!!! and I'm so far off... ARGH!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wind and more wind...

OK, so it's not the greatest... but here is a photo of a weak shaka attempt from last Saturday.
Yesterday's session was a blast! Took the afternoon off to flock to Plimmerton. Waves were pumping in at logo high, 3.7... A great session! My board on the other hand, would not agree. First run out resulted in a royal smashing of the nose. She's going under the knife tonight.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Nothing at Plimmy, ripping in the ditch. What the f#@$?
The shaka's are a LONG way from being realized... I think I need to get a pointer or two from someone who knows what they are doing.
Leland was working hard on e-sliders and getting real close!
After my Gorge knee injury, I am finally beginning to get a bit more comfortable with forwards again. Still not going big like the blokes here, but maybe some day.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Ever sail in a big Chocolate Fondu?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Another Killer Weekend...
James was on fire today - a number of push loops and a couple double forward attempts... Wow!
Sailed Plimmerton Thursday night, and both Saturday and Sunday. Ditch on Friday - 3.7 over the top, stupid windy.
Some nice waves rolling through in Plimmerton the last few days. Nice air to be had, stuck my first "crazy pete" (half back loop with sail flip). Received a royal bitch slapping on a goiter attempt.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Killer Weekend

Despite the chore of moving flats, I was still granted 2 day passes and got out for a couple of fun freestyle sessions in the Ditch.
Saturday dished out fine northerlies at 25-30knots, sunday about 20-25. Not too shabby. Tom Taylor is back from Dunedin, and showing us all how to do anything and everything. I witnessed a bunch of flakas, ponches and shaka attempts. Pretty sweet. Another visiting french sailor was also dishing out some 540s, grubbies and clew-first grubbies.

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Lyall Bay delivers...

I got down there at 5 o'clock, no-one else out, and it was windy as hell. Waves were breaking across the bay. Rigged the 3.7 flat and hit the waves. At first, with full strength, I did alright. One of my first waves out the back was enormous and I went for the sky. Not really wanting to, it just shot me into a backloop rotation. It was one of those where it could have been pulled back straight, but what the hell... needless to say, it was a high-altitude bail out. Its cool though, since being here, starboard jumping is feeling a lot more comfortable for me.

I sailed for about half and hour, snagging some front side hits and bigs airs, but it was too over the top for me to try any forwards or other tricks. About 1/2hr in is when I botched my first crucial chicken jibe and went down. My kit was no-where to be seen. I was in the middle of the bay, and a long swim from the beach. I could catch glimpses of my gear about 30-40m ahead of me, but there was no way I could catch it! The swimming was hard and the rip was strong. After about 10 minutes, my kit hit the beach and another 5 minutes later, I made it to shore like a soggy puppy. The walk of shame ensued...
I took a rest while Lawrence rigged up his 4.1. Lawrence was killing it, sailing as if it wasn't 35 knots - there is no way I could've held down a 4.1! I could barely hold onto the 3.7. Lawrence made it out no problems and sailed like a veteran king. Woo showed up a bit later and rigged his spanky new 4.0 and did the same, dishing out a number of controlled forwards off the shorebreak. A brilliant demonstration of sailors with a LOT of experience in these kind of crazy conditions.

It was just one of those days that showed me how immature my sailing really is, and that I need to get those chicken jibes sorted. ARGH! Nothing more frustrating that botching those chicken jibes. This day was probably one of the most challenging days on the water I have ever had.
It was great just to have given it a shot! YEAH! Lyall Bay rocks!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Last sail from Balaena Bay
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I am pretty stoked! The spocks are really coming along... finally... only 4-5yrs or so in the making. Sheesh! I had one run where I stuck two spocks, turned around, and stuck a grubby on the inside.
Gary and James were out sailing too. Fun stuff. Those guys are so solid. James and Gary both sticking willyskips on the inside with no difficulties whatsoever.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The housing was successful and did not leak, but the trigger - a jimmy-rigged wireless doorbell - soon succumbed to the water. Leland was hanging out in the shorebreak, so it was tough to get in there close and try anything tricky. Thanks for the photos Leland! The funny thing about the trigger is that it is connected to the doorbell relay, that actual fires 6 shots, due to the little 6-tone ditty it plays.

Monday, September 18, 2006
Tick list
- Pushloops
- Flakas
- 1-handed Forwards
I would love to start landing backloops here... haven't stuck one here yet and there are many good ramps to work on them, so no excuses! I saw Woo land one at Plimmy on Saturday and it looked sweet. There is something I am definitely doing wrong. Just coming in too steep and not really oriented right with my kit. I don't get it...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sweet ditch action today
On my third run, my boom just spontaneously combusted on me. The whole Chinook boom head just cracked in half, and my side came away with me still holding on. The tail was bent to shit, and no more connection at the mast, but the other side was still in tact, so it was still possible to turn and sail back to shore.
A great freestyle session!! Lots of grubbys and more spocks than normal, several regular and 540s... definitely pleased. I tried about 3 flakas with absolutely zero sucess. Those are definitely one of my projects for the spring.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Vivid descriptions
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Waves suitable for mini-me.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Liquid smoke...
Hardcore status slipping up a notch today yeah!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Healthy as can be!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Saturday 3:00-5:30 - 3.7 @ Plimmy
Friday, August 18, 2006
Friday 4:30-6:00 - 4.4 @ Balaena Bay
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Forecast Alert!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The spot guide

Lyall Bay: on the south side of Welly, exposed to direct swell from the far-south Pacific. This place gets large on strong southerlies, but doesn't quite ever get frontside... only one or two smack per wave at best. Also works as a full down-the-line on offshore and cross-off northerlies when the swell is up... but rare and cheap-ass down-the-line. Nothing to get excited about GARY! ;) Very convenient - only 5-10min drive.

Plimmerton: on the west coast, up near Porirua. Launch is from Plimmerton Beach on the Onehunga Bay. Works best on norwesters with potentially smooth wave rides with several frontside shmackers possible when its right. Also works on W through WNW, but much less gooder. About 1/2hr drive.

Wairarapa/Palliser Bay: Apparently good wavesailing here, never been, Two hr drive from Welly. Lots of drunk people on Saturday nights in Lake Ferry, burning their SUVs in bonfires. Thus - good times watching others in dispair.

Taranaki: THE definitive wave spot in New Zealand, if not one of the worlds best waves. Never sailed there yet, I am sure the starboard-tack mast+ mackers will destroy me. Looking to go this spring. Drive is about 4-5hrs from Welly.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Wind Alert!
Projects: Da frickin' spocks (my nemesis). Backs and Petes at Plimmy.
What is this all about?
Welcome to my spin-off blog. We will still be maintaining our other blog: The Adventures of Charla and Fish, but this one is much more geared towards a metamorphosis of sorts, and to my passion for windsurfing.
Cheryl and I came to New Zealand because of our desire to travel, but mainly to windsurf, and to windsurf a lot. Wellington is statistically one of the windiest cities in the world, if not the windiest, so it just seemed to make sense.
Windsurfing has dominated my life over the last twelve years. While I am far from a pro and I do work full-time as an engineer, I basically live to windsurf, and cannot get enough of it.
This blog will chronicle my gradual transformation from a dedicated hardcore wind-chasing fool, to a dedicated hardcore father of twins. Yup, that’s right. My wonderful partner Cheryl is 15 weeks pregnant with a couple of little buggers. Finding out about that, I can tell you, was quite the shock to the system! Needless to say, a major change in priorities is about to set itself upon me.
This blog is dedicated to this metamorphosis. While I hope there is middle ground, I think we are talking about opposite extremes of a spectrum. Enjoy.