Tuesday, September 20, 2011

'Rip'-hood to Fatherhood - The whole thing.

Here is the complete Rip-hood to Fatherhood article, as per my previous 3 posts, but available as a much easier to read PDF. Enjoy.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

'Rip'-hood to Fatherhood Part 3/3

Well, this is the last of it. If you've enjoyed the write-up, let me know in the comments please. Feedback appreciated.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My day so far

Great forecast, long wind-drought, left-over vacation time...

Here's my day, and I hate to say that this is only "so far"... because I am a sucker for self-abuse.

Yes, that is how I like to use up my left-over vacation time.


Home with beer in hand, shotgun in lap ;)

Skunk number 3. Sucker for punishment. I am officially done chasing shit. I'm going to pack the kite stuff from now on.